Business Description
You don’t have to be a stylist! Profitable & Stable Business
Established by a pro in the business for decades, this salon was built to make money!
Salon has EVERY chair and service space RENTED and generating $$.
10 Chairs rented by established stylists @ $195/week ($1950)
2 Treatment Rooms rented @ $125/week ($250)
1 nail tech pays $90/week
2 “house” stylists on a 50/50 split ($700-$1200 week for salon)
Retail Sales, Jan-May 2021 = $45,000 at a 100% mark-up
++ Are you a hair stylist? Then you will make much more!
You do the math … Rent + Overhead is just under $6000/mth, and just 2 p/t W2 employees (receptionists) work about 30 hrs each @ $14/hr (About $3500 total monthly)
Asking Price: $129,000 Cash Flow: $63,800 Gross Revenue: $217,000 Rent: $4,590 per Month Established: 2015
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